
About our Areas of Change

‘Toward a better future’. A big, broad ambition. And at the same time, it is simpler than it seems. Every move can be progress, every step counts.
Hence: ‘a better world starts with you’. And we create that better world together. Together it is easier to set things in motion and to take more steps forward. The Areas of Change give direction to these steps.

Healthy Living
By paying attention to Healthy Living, you ensure resilient generations that make a preventive commitment to a healthy body and a stable mind. This way, we are equipped for the physical and mental challenges that we face as a society. In addition, people become more empowered when they know what they can do to stay healthy. Health becomes something for all of us, and not just the domain of the sick and of hospitals.

Green Future
To stay healthy, we need a healthy environment that will continue to meet our needs in the future. In other words, a Green Future. Balance between humans, animals and plants. Working together with nature again, instead of trying to bend everything to human will. This requires changes in food production and nature management. Much is already happening in this area. Within this Area of Change we bring together knowledge, experience and existing projects so that it becomes more and more commonplace.

Fair Economy
Part of our living environment is also how we work, produce and consume. A Fair Economy encourages sustainable production with respect for resources, conscious consumption, and working with and for each other instead of every man for himself. Providing for your own livelihood in a way that also serves your social and natural environment.

Conscious Development
All of this requires something of the individual in terms of self-awareness and mindset. That’s where Conscious Development comes in. For example through integrating certain values, knowledge and skills in upbringing and education. But also learning to deal with challenges and discomfort, thinking in terms of possibilities and solutions instead of problems, or connecting to a greater purpose. Conscious Development thus contributes to self-knowledge, agency, authenticity and meaning.

Creative Connections
Developing Consciously for the sake of and towards a Healthy Life, a Green Future and a Fair Economy is something we should not be doing alone. Nor does it have to be a serious, boring affair. When we work from Creative Cnnections we use the power of images, stories and other creative forms of expression, and the energy and richness that is created when different people and cultures come together.

The Areas of Change are all related and all depend on each other to a greater or lesser extent. Together they form a roadmap to a sustainable and fair future. We strive to take steps in all these areas, no matter how big or small. After all, progress in one area is not complete (and sometimes not even possible) without progress in another. We need each other, in a process of continuous development, to see and bring to life the full picture of our future. Will you join us?