
We would like to invite you

Our training sessions take place on our Campus in a building we share with the Sustainable BSO of Zonnelicht daycare. Here, we invite trainers and speakers with various areas of expertise for a fixed program, a single workshop, or a series of training sessions. We aim for a good balance between information, inspiration, and practical tips and skills. Every inspiration evening, training session, or workshop aligns with one or more Areas of Change: Conscious Development, Healthy Living, a Green Future, Fair Business, and Creative Connection.


We are currently busy filling the agenda for the new season. We are working on, among other things:

  • A baby massage workshop
  • A monthly evening for all your parenting questions
  • From Shoebox to Annual Report, for entrepreneurs with a sustainable or social mission

And of course, much more! Want to stay informed? Sign up for our newsletter further down on this page!
Below you will find the training sessions that are already scheduled.

Ideas and questions

We are happy to tailor our programs to the needs of participants and the environment. Let us know if you have a request or idea for an event! For questions about our offerings or your registration, you can refer to the FAQ or the General Terms and Conditions, or of course, contact us via the contact form. If you want to stay updated on our latest developments, please sign up for our newsletter.

“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.”

Lao Tze