Terms and conditions

Lotus Training Den Bosch

Lotus training is recorded in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under the name Stichting Neo Humanist Education Research Institute, company number: 17129057

Official company address:
Lotus Training / Stichting Neo Humanist Education Research Institute
Bankade 3
5236 AX ’s-Hertogenbosch

Visitor location:
Lotus Training
Rijnstraat 557a
5115 EJ ’s-Hertogenbosch

  1. Artikel 1. Applicability
    1. These general terms and conditions apply to all services of, and oral and/or written agreements with Lotus Training. Services are defined as all workshops, trainings, meetings and events offered by Lotus Training.
    2. By registering for an event, participants indicate agreement with the general terms and conditions of Lotus Training.
    3. In case of conflict between the provisions of the general terms and conditions and the provisions of the agreement, the provisions of the agreement will prevail over the provisions of the general terms and conditions.
    4. Lotus Training reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.
  2. Article 2. Registration and Agreements.
    1. Registration for an event can be done through the registration form on the website, or in writing by email.
    2. An agreement is established when registration is confirmed in writing from Lotus or payment is completed through the website.
    3. Changes in the agreement, or deviations from these general terms and conditions can only be agreed upon in writing.
  3. Article 3. Prices
    1. Prices on the website: www.lotus-training.nl are current prices. Printing and typographical errors in brochures, emails, leaflets and posters reserved.
    2. Prices are in Euro and include VAT unless otherwise indicated.
  4. Article 4. Payment
    1. There are different payment methods depending on the nature of the training. The available payment methods are communicated by Lotus Training on the website and/or at registration.
    2. Payment must always be made prior to the event. In the absence of full payment, Lotus Training reserves the right to refuse entry.
  5. Article 5. Cancellations
    1. Cancellations must be made in writing to Lotus Training at all times.
    2. Free cancellations can be made up to 5 business days prior to the event unless otherwise indicated. For cancellations within 5 working days before the event, no refunds will be possible. However, a substitute person can take your place after consultation.
    3. Full refund of payment for an event consisting of multiple days is only possible if the entire series is cancelled in a timely manner. When canceling 1 or more dates after the start of the series, refunds are not possible.
    4. Lotus Training reserves the right to cancel an event in the event of insufficient participants. A full refund of the amount paid will apply. Lotus Training is not responsible for costs incurred by participant’s own expenses such as travel, lodging, etc.
    5. Should the performance of the activity become impossible due to a cause that cannot be attributed to Lotus Training (force majeure) nor is within its sphere of risk, Lotus Training is entitled to reschedule, cancel or terminate the event.The possibility of a (partial) refund of the amount paid can be discussed. Lotus Training is not responsible for costs incurred by the participant such as travel, accommodation, etc.
  6. Article 6. Liability
    1. Any participation in a Lotus Training event is at the participant’s own risk.
    2. Lotus Training is not liable for theft of or damage to the properties of the participants.
    3. Lotus Training is not liable for any injuries or damages as a result of participation in any of the events.
    4. Lotus training services are never intended to replace a visit to a doctor or other medical specialist.
    5. Lotus Training is in no way liable or responsible for the actions of the participants after the event.
    6. Lotus Training is never liable for consequential damages.
  7. Article 7. Rules of conduct
    1. To make the event enjoyable for everyone, participants should always follow the instructions of the organization.
    2. Lotus Training reserves the right to immediately deny access if the participant disrupt the event in any way, or make unsolicited video or audio recordings. The right to a (partial) refund will lapse in full in this situation.
    3. When registering for an event, the participant declares that they are in good mental and physical health. If this is not the case, or there is any doubt about this then this should be discussed with Lotus Training prior to registration.
  8. Article 8. Complaints
    1. In case of a complaint please inform us, within 7 days, in writing. You can send your complaint to: info@lotus-training.nl
    2. After learning of the complaint, Lotus Training will attempt to resolve it to the best of its ability.
  9. Article 9. Copyright and Intellectual Property
    1. The copyright and intellectual property rights to materials provided by Lotus Training belong to Lotus Training or the relevant trainer/teacher/speaker.
      This includes all documents provided, such as:
      a. quotations;
      b. project descriptions;
      c. readers;
      d. presentations;
      e. handouts;
      f. reports;
      g. recommendations;
      h. drafts;
      i. sketches and drawings;
    2. It is not permitted to duplicate the material in any way. It is not permitted to re-exploit the material nor is it permitted to use the material for any purpose other than that for which it was made available.
    3. These provisions may be deviated from, but only when it is explicitly mentioned in the offer.